Our online store's automated checkout process accepts payments by Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit cards, as well as Paypal and the same credit cards through Paypal. Note that it will only process credit cards that have a billing address in the United States.

If you wish to pay with a credit card based in a foreign country, or using another method such as Money Order, Bank Transfer or Check, please contact us by message or phone, these payment methods must go through customer service.
Your credit card information is submitted one time to (the industry standard processor for online payments) at the time of checkout. Our system only acts as an intermediary or sender, it does not store your credit card information and there is no way for us to retrieve it. It's set up this way purposefully to eliminate any possibility of a data breach. In other words there is no way for anyone to get your payment information even if they were to gain access to our system.
All transfer of your payment information, including credit card handling, is done through a secure server using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. This allows your browser to encode any data it sends to our server, so that even if someone intercepted your information as it traveled across the Internet they wouldn't be able to read it.
We have a Server Certificate issued to us by VeriSign, the SSL certificate authority on the Internet. They are a trusted third party authenticator. This certificate verifies that you are really sending your credit card number to us, and not someone pretending to be us. It is standard SSL procedure to get a certificate, usually from VeriSign. You can verify at any time that you're on a secure encrypted page of our website by checking the URL in the address bar, it will have https (the s stands for SSL) at the beginning.